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27 août 2016

Youtube, écriture et vacances

There is a youtuber I admire and like a lot: LINDA BARSI
She started vlogging to get better to start writing again because she stopped due to her dating addiction. She talks a lot about WRITING with advice about how to start, how to edit a project, how to stay motivated... 

We follow her week after week (it's nice to watch the videos in order). It's very inspiring and motivating. And after a while it becomes something weirder, more personal and very touching.
I am always moved (and a bit in love with) people that are able to show vulnerability, to share that.
Linda moves me terribly, because of her creative and emotional struggles.

Linda, you are a breath of fresh air. I love how you are always laughing before your camera; but that you also claim your right to not smile when you're not ok.

Lots of love.

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