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7 déc. 2013

Ma lettre au père noël

Cliquez pour agrandir et lire ma lettre au père noël de cette année

Pour ceux qui souhaitent découvrir mon dessin avec ma liste de cadeau de l'année dernière, cliquez ici. Il y a un gif magique qui bouge et tout!

Et en bonus, découvrez la lettre de noël de Max, étudiant en droit:

Dear M. Christmas, 

I have been informed of your good behaviour incentive program, and would like to partake in it. As you no doubt know, I have been, to use the relevant terminology, a “good boy” this year. I therefore consider myself eligible to benefit from your gift delivery service. 

I understand that the correct procedure to follow is for me to communicate a list of various material belongings I would desire to be in possession of, whereupon various items from the aforementioned list will be placed under a predesignated “christmas tree” under gift wrap, around the 24th of December. 

I hereby attach the required list: 
- Good quality cooking equipment, such as a skillet, non stick saucepans, and a nonstick wok
- Knit wool ties 
- Brogue boots (size 42)
- A tweed or otherwise textured waistcoat (size 38)
- Long sleeve cotton t-shirts in plain colours (brown, grey, burgundy, dark green, black)
- Plain Oxford shirts (size S)
- currency towards purchasing any of the above

Wishing you luck in what I’m sure will be a busy next few weeks, and thanking you for running this highly appreciated service, 

Mr Maximillian K.

(Note: oui, il demande des cadeaux de vieille lady)

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